Saturday, October 13, 2007

You Send Me

This is in response to Kevin's previous blog entry...I have only one thing to say:

YOU send me.


Kevin Foward said...

YES! Hahahaha...

It was definitely good talking. And if you call tonight you might get to talk to Hawaiian too!

Kevin Foward said...


I just got done watching all the old ZEO videos from last year. Good times. It is crazy how we made FOUND like a year and a half ago. That was like around the time we first started hanging out too.

It is funny. When i think of the time since making the videos it seems so short. But when i think of the amount of time i have known you, it seems so long...weird how that works. I heard you, Seth, and Landon did a tag team announcements for "Big Church"! Wish i could have been there!