Monday, November 19, 2007

Destruction Lane

Who hit the ground the hardest?

Who ate the most dust?

Was it me or was it my mind indulging in its lust?

The lights flashed so brilliantly, attracting strangers in

Roads so well-traveled, leading men to sin

The path sent out no warnings to the innocent as they walked

Onward explorers ventured, ignorant as they talked

The trekkers expected no danger for foolishness filled their heads

Nothing now could warn them of the danger that lay ahead

They entered the gates of pleasure that claimed so many lives

By now they were indifferent to the sounds of tortuous cries

The men who had gone before them yelled warnings to turn away

But caught up in their foolishness, the travelers went the wrong way

And so they made the journey, down destruction lane

They lost all of their innocence and morality went down the drain

What they failed to notice was that their captors controlled their lives

For all they had indulged in had sucked their souls dry

Now they lay there captive to the foolishness of their crime

And only now they heard the screams of all the other lives

Warnings can only help what the lost are willing to hear

Unless they heed those cautions, they’ll lose all that they hold dear

If only they had listened, if only they’d open their ears

None of this would bind them down through their eternal years

Now they watch the pathway, that evil destruction lane

To warn all those who followed the road that led them to their shame

They cry and scream and shout when they see those unaware

But nothing they do will help them because they don’t seem to care

On and on it continues, so many lives are lost

The allure of the unknown seems worth any price or cost

Traveling down destruction lane, another spirit left behind

Destined to be forgotten, impossible to find


Kevin Foward said...

CHRIS! Did you write this?! Cuase i really like it.

Was there HTML coding in there that got messed up?

Kevin Foward said...

Hmm, the HTML thing must have been the computer at school, its better now...


1. New John Mayer song 'Say" is awesome, as would be expected. Have you heard it yet?

2. FREAKING John Mayer is playing in LA on the 8th of December. The second night my parents will be here...I DONT KNOW IF I SHOULD GO OR NOT!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!!

Unknown said...

i know that it's too late to apologize, but thang, we gots to do tha futuresexGodshow. commmooonnnnn, brutha, CHAMON. mmmmmmhmmmm, DUI lastnight? ahahahah, "just gotta be whimpy like me and refuse to let me drive the truck" "i actually like driving the truck" "glens like, "did you hit it again?" " i never claimed to be a good driver" " i dont think i'll ever like driving, i don't think i ever will" "i think down stairs is built stupid" "i could not survive without music in my car" " no we just need to buy me a new car"

Hahhahahah, k goodnight. i love you, this is meaningful.