Thursday, September 6, 2007

Let Your Body Scream

Wow, I haven't written a new post since July 25 and now it's September 6. I have to admit that when I started this, it was just a way to read the blogs of some other friends who already had their own and to leave them comments and what not. So I never fully intended on using it to it's full extent.

By nature, I don't have much to say that's relevant. Well, I don't think so anyway. I usually just say random things and write it off as "lightening the moment" with stupid comments and such and so having a blogspot would seem pointless for someone like me. I don't have any deep thoughts or profound realizations to share with the people of blogspot nation. My friends totally do and I really enjoy reading them except when they are about academy award winning actors turned dragon slayer, haha.

I wish I knew something amazing and significant that I could relay to the few of you that may stumble upon this that will change your life and that will spur you to bigger and greater things but i'm afraid that's just not going to happen.

Here's what I do know and it's about the only thing that really matters to me lately. God is stirring. And even if you don't know what that means, I know you feel it too. Because at the core of who you are in your most basic but complex humanity is a deep, burning desire to know and understand and be moved.

We've all heard that we should "live in the moment" or "seize the day" because "everyone is doing it." Yet, deep down in the places of our soul that nobody else can see but us there's something else going on. We've all felt the longings for something more, the desire to be someone or something better than we are. Call it a dream, call it a desire, call it passion. I call it God.

And in that truth, I know that God is stirring my spirit. I know that God has uniquely designed me with these soul cravings. The only response I can have to that is to stop and listen and then to obey because I know that I will never be satisfied with just being and just existing when something so strong is compelling me to move.

So I urge you, friends, to take a moment to listen and hear what God is calling you to do. There's nothing better in life that I've seen yet than letting God get a hold of you and using you in remarkable ways. So listen because your soul is speaking and that's God.

Let your body scream so that your soul can be heard.