Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The Journey

A couple of months ago I turned 21. I had always imagined that it would be a really big deal and I would suddenly emerge out of adolescence into this mature adult. But as you would probably expect, that did not happen. And as I think about it now, I don't think it necessarily has anything to do with my maturity level as much as it has to do with the mere fact that 21 is not that old. Honestly, there aren't too many people who have it all together when they enter "adulthood" as it is legally known.

This life I have on earth is but a breath. It's a journey. And when I think about a journey I think of excitement, thrill, and adventure. I intend on taking this journey on its fullest extent. God has given me the gift of being able to journey this far and I want to complete the path He has set me on. I really do not know where I'm going but my hope is in Christ with whom I can do all things. And whatever excitement comes my way, whatever thrills lie around the bend and whatever adventures are in store are nothing in comparison to the hope I have in Christ Jesus. So I set my eyes on the prize and I run after it with perseverance and faithfulness so that when I cross that finish line, I can hear the words I long to hear..."well done, good and faithful servant."

I’ve tried to walk the straight and narrow

I’ve stumbled along the way

The obstacles have been difficult

Though I walk in the light of day

The presence of God surrounds me

Though evil lurks close behind

His love still pushes me onward

In my race to the finish line

I know that this life of freedom

Has led to a life of sin

But I had the will to change it

Allowing my Savior in

The finish line grows closer

I see it with my own eyes

My tired legs grow weaker

Though I long to claim my prize

My heart will be filled with pleasure

When I finally cross that line

Though I will endure some hardships

The reward will one day be mine

When I enter the gates of Heaven

The Father will say simply “well done”

And when the journey is over

Eternity will have just begun